Monday, February 20, 2012

Journal 2

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock!. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), 12-15. Retrieved from

Miller, S. M. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), 15-17. Retrieved from

Learning about PLNs is a concept that seems intimidating to a student who has never heard of the acronym before, but these were my second and third articles I have read in the past two weeks regarding PLNs, so I have become more familiar with and excited about professional learning networks. The first article provides step by step instructions on how to build your professional learning network, and how to receive the most out of the experience. Ferguson offers the idea that building a PLN is similar to a friendship, in that it takes time and effort, possibly even confidence. I like that the benefits can still be reaped even if one does not contribute to the network, and remains a follower until ready to offer his or her opinions.
Miller recommends that Twitter users who are building their PLNs use a Twitter organizer, which seems necessary in order to keep information, people and interests separated. The percentage breakdown of how time should be spent on Twitter is important for Twitter users, especially the students in ED422, to keep in mind. Only 10% of what one writes on Twitter should be personal. The P in PLN stands for professional, and that is extremely important to take note of. The Twitter Twerminology column provided essential information for new Twitter users such as myself. The terms of Twitter are often used, and I am now familiar with the meaning for each term.

Question 1: Can I see myself integrating Twitter accounts into my high school English classes in the future?
I am not sure I would encourage the students to use Twitter inside the classroom, but I will absolutely continue using Twitter in a professional way. This technique will ultimately benefit the students because I will be using my PLN to discover new information about technology and education. I would definitely encourage the students to begin using Twitter for professional uses rather than personal, but I would not require it.
Question 2: How would I organize my Tweet Deck?
I would have different columns for different interests, such as Education, Technology, English, High School, and personal interests such as Comedy or Crafts. This method of organization would ensure that I do not confuse any of my own tweets or other people's tweets, and ensure that I am posting with correct hashtags so that my tweets go where they are intended to be.

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